Fencing & Ground Preparation
Tree survival is not only a question of planting expertise, but also of excellent ground preparation pre-planting and effective protection post-planting. We offer an extensive range of ground preparation and fencing services, which is informed by our comprehensive knowledge of forest and habitat creation.

Specialised Groundworks Team:
The quality of ground preparation is foundational to a thriving forest and our specialised groundworks team has experience of a multitude of techniques such as mounding, mulching, rip-lining, and scarifying. We have worked across a vast array of different landscapes and have experience of tailoring the approach on each site to its unique characteristics and the project vision. Our team works across the UK so wherever your groundworks are required, we have you covered.
Protection from herbivore damage is essential for growing trees in landscapes where there are high numbers of grazing animals. Fencing provides one of the best methods of protecting large plantations, and our fencing solutions provide the ideal solution. We can install and maintain a wide range of timber and metal fencing, from post and rail to deer fencing. We can also supply and install stock, reptile, amphibian, and rabbit fencing for wildlife inclusion or exclusion.

Integrated Service:
Managing multiple contractors adds complexity to projects and jeopardises timescales. With Tomorrow’s Forests, however, you benefit from a complete end to end service, from planning and design through ground preparation, planting, fencing, and maintenance. Our dedicated team, years of experience, and comprehensive delivery framework translate into excellence at every stage.